Tomorrow we'll load up the 3 cats (Harley, Belle, and Macey) and do the annual trip to the vet's for shots and checkups.
This normally results in the use of several bandaids, along with lots of hissing and bizarre guttural sounds ala The Exorcist.
Here's Belle checking out the situation. She is fine until she gets to the vet's. Then, all bets are off. She freaks out and is all over the place.
Harley is a big baby. He cries all the way to the vet's. Then once the vet assistant (female) shows up, he'll roll over on his back and expect tummy rubbing. He's a ladies man, no doubt. Coincidentally, I tried the same approach last time I went to the doctor's and did not get the same results. Harley has it down.
Macey is only 3. She hasn't learned to be afraid or freak out. She does just fine. Maybe it's not a good idea taking her with Harley and Belle as she'll learn bad habits.
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