Monday, May 7, 2012

Johnny Rockets All-American Burgers

We hardly ever eat at chain restaurants. I think it has been at least 5 years since we ate fast food, and that was only because it is so hard to find good food along the interstate.

There's a Johnny Rockets in the mall near our house. We're probably the last people around us that hadn't eaten there until now. I figured, well, let's try it and see.

Johnny Rockets is decorated like the soda fountains of old. I rather liked it actually. There are even mini jukeboxes at the table, just like the old days.

I ordered the #12, a cheeseburger (cheddar cheese, iceberg lettuce, white onion, pickles, mayonnaise & their signature sauce) and onion rings. The burger was cooked-to-order (a major plus), and the toppings were fresh (another plus). The onions rings? I could've eaten them all day, all night and into next week. Maybe I was just hankerin' deep fried onion rings, but these seemed particularly good.

Service was decent and prompt and attentive. The food was about what I expected, which is to say it wasn't bad it just didn't make me drool. But still, good.

Oh, and Johnny Rockets uses those great little ice cubes in their sodas. I don't know why, but they really make your soda taste better. And Johnny Rockets has all sorts of sodas and hand-dipped milkshakes (on my list for the next time we are there)!

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