Thursday, December 3, 2009

Grilled Chicken Salad

I often make a huge salad just to use up everything I can find in the fridge. Tonight, it was carrots, grapes, spinach, Boston lettuce and some frisee lettuce. I grilled up some chicken from our favorite fajita recipe. Topped with some homemade croutons and a sliced avocado.

I have to admit it was a little chilly out at the grill tonight. But, never let that stop you!


Chez said...

nice lookin' salad - i like the homemade croutons, the *shaved* cheese and the fresh avacado. coincidentally, i made a big salad today also ~ turkey/bacon/hardboiled eggs, couple kinds of cheese, red onion, black olives, etc. it's not exactly salad weather, but gotta be frugal & use them leftovers.

Mike said...

Hardboiled eggs... that's something I keep forgetting to do. Excellent idea. I usually put red onion on too, but I ran out.

It sure isn't salad weather, but I'm in for a few salads these days. Gotta offset the big meals... right?

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